
Supporting New Beginnings

Goodwill Caravan focuses on post-arrival support to ensure that the families and unaccompanied minors are equipped with the knowledge they need to start their new lives.



Goodwill Caravan strongly believes that every child deserves hope for a better future. Many of the young refugees that are now in the UK have lost their families and are alone. Our youth mentoring programme provides support, assistance, encouragement to young people who have just escaped from unimaginable trauma. 

We help them to develop their unique characters, raise their aspirations and improve their academic attainment by providing personalised information and advice on educational services, such as registering for colleges. We also host social activities such as football matches to bring these young people together with other youngsters of a similar background, so they know that they are not alone. 

We aim to fulfil the wishes that their parents and families would have had for them when they decided to make the journey to a safer place. 



Coming to a new country after escaping war and persecution is a frightening process. Our team provides integration support for refugee families and unaccompanied minors. 

The integration support programme began when Goodwill Caravan was able to help unaccompanied refugee children and families claim asylum in the UK through our legal service. Once they arrived, our team wanted to ensure that they had no trouble accessing local services and making the most of new opportunities now available, after all the trauma that they had experienced.  

Goodwill Caravan’s focus on post-arrival support ensures that families and unaccompanied minors are equipped with the knowledge they need to start their new lives. This ranges from helping them settle into their homes, to registering with schools and doctors as well as psycho/social support. We aim to support refugees in feeling comfortable in their new community and assist them in becoming functional members of society. 

Giving refugees the support they require helps instill them with the confidence they need to rebuild their lives  and have hope for a better future. 


and mediation

Language barriers are often one of the biggest difficulties that refugees face. Not being able to speak the language makes it challenging for refugees to express themselves, often leaving them feeling hopeless and alone. It also makes it difficult for organisations and individuals who are trying to help, but who are not able to understand the whole picture, something which is especially important for legal services such as family reunification cases. 

Our team in the UK are available to provide interpretation services to solicitors, social services, immigration advisors, housing associations and many more. We understand the need to be heard and understood by someone. 

Often the simple act of interpretation can completely change a family’s life and give them access to a better future.