About Us

Goodwill Caravan

Who We Are

Goodwill Caravan is a non-profit humanitarian charity that provides essential protection services, including emergency aid distributions, shelter for the most vulnerable, and legal and medical support for refugees and displaced populations. With operations in the UK, Greece, Egypt and the US, we are dedicated to supporting those in crisis and helping them rebuild their lives. We are registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales (registration no. 1176314).

Values That Govern Us

Respect for human

Kindness and



Our vision

Access to basic necessities

Shelter for the most vulnerable

Free legal

Free access to medical care


for all

Integration and self sustainment

How We Help

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Because Every Child Deserves Hope & A Future​

Our Mission

Hundreds of thousands of refugees have fled their homes due to war and persecution in the hope of finding the safety and a better life for themselves and their families. Instead what they found was human trafficking, abductions, detention, homelessness, abuse, and even death.

Goodwill Caravan supports thousands of refugees and vulnerable groups on the journey to a better life, through our anti-trafficking protection projects. We focus particularly on refugee families, orphans, detained and unaccompanied children who are at the highest risk of trafficking and kidnappings, including for the organ trade.

Goodwill Caravan empowers the vulnerable populations we support by giving them the skills they will need to become fully functional members of their new societies, whether that is in Greece or other European countries they are relocated to. In doing so we aim to alleviate the burden on already overstretched public services.

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Refugees have been helped

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Vulnerable families have been sheltered

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Legal cases have been successful

Meet The
Goodwill Team

We are a team of experts who love what we do.
Volunteer With Us

Join us in our mission

to provide vulnerable populations with a safe place to call home

Awards and


Our Partners and Supporters